Qutarská modelářská organizace (QRCSC) připravila na listopad velký modelářský závod pro všechny oficiální modelářské kategorie, tedy F3D, F3T a také elektro F3E. Vzhledem k zajímavosti lokality v perském zálivu se bude společně s MS v Holandsku jednat o nejzajímavější závod letošní sezóny.
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Bulletin No1.
Athletes with current FAI License are invited to compete
2023 FAI F3D, F3T, F3E, F3R with limited technology (Only OS .46, Thunder Tiger .46, composite and wooden airframes) International Pylon Race Meet
Qatar R/C Sport Center
Member of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale
Bulletin 1
With great pleasure, Qatar R/C Sport Center takes the honor to invite FAI F3D, F3T, F3E, F3R with limited technology (Only OS .46, Thunder Tiger .46, composite and wooden airframes). pilots to participate in the 2023 Qatar International Pylon Race meet to be held at QRCSC Airfield, Qatar
Flying Site
The competition will be held at the QRCSC airfield, which is located 55 KM to the north of Doha
Location: Longitude 25°45’54.7″N (25.765196), Latitude 51°22’52.3″E (51.381181)
On google maps: Q98J+39 Simsimah
QRCSC airfield is a Model Aircraft only airfield, 850 meters runway 24 meters wide, 1 square KM, with permanent clearance up to 1000 Ft altitude from the civil aviation authority
The winds in Qatar are mostly northern and southern, so take-off will be crosswind with landings coming from north or south.
The take-off and landing area is on asphalt, with a sand base pilot flying area covered by an artificial grass carpet.
Electric flyers will need to protect their fuselages with tape due to landing on asphalt.
F3R with limited technology (only OS .46, Thunder Tiger . 46, composite and wooden airframes)
A safety inspection will be conducted.
QRCSC Airport is situated on Doha Expressway, Exit 54
Hamad Intl Airport: 1:10 hrs by car, no traffic
Doha City Center: 45 mnts by car, no traffic
Lusail City: 30 mnts by car, no traffic
Alkhor City: 20 mnts hrs by car, no traffic
Our Partner Car rental “SIXT” is offering the below
1. 10% discount on pre-paid reservations (pay now).
2. 5% discount on pay-on-arrival reservations
The discount code will be shared soon
November usually offers relatively stable weather conditions in Qatar, with temperatures between 20° and 30° C.
The competition has been scheduled over a 3 days period (plus 1 day reserve), so in case of a period of unstable weather, there will be extra time available
Web site.
The official website for the Event is www.qrcsc.com
Time schedule
Tuesday, Nov 21st
Complementary Doha Bus tour, further details to be announced
Wednesday, Nov 22nd
09:00 – 17:00 Open practice day
17:30 – 19:30 Complementary Arabic Dinner at the field
Thursday, Nov 23rd
09:00 – 09:30 Opening Ceremony
09:30 – 10:00 Pilot Meeting
10:00 – 11:30 Racing
11:30 – 13:00 Lunch Break
13:00 – 17:00 Racing
TBD Banquet
Friday, Nov 24th
09:00 – 11:30 Racing
11:30 – 13:00 Lunch Break
13:00 – 17:00 Racing
TBD Banquet
Saturday, Nov 25th
09:00 – 12:00 Racing
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 16:00 Semi-Finals / Finals
16:00 – 17:30 Award Presentation / Closing Ceremony
21:00 – 23:00 Gala Dinner is planned (to be confirmed, extra charge might apply)
Sunday, Nov 26th
Reserve Day
Competition rules
The event will be held according to:
• FAI Sporting Code General Section.
• FAI Sporting Code Section 4 Aeromodelling CIAM General Rules Volume 2023 Edition.
• FAI Sporting Code Section 4 Aeromodelling Volume F3 Pylon 2023 Edition.
• FAI Code of Ethics.
• FAI Anti‐Doping Rules.
FAI licenses
Each competitor must possess an FAI Sporting License valid for the year of the event. This license must be registered in the FAI License database.
Classifications and Awards:
Trophies and prize money will be awarded for the first, second, and third in each class. Prize money are $2500, $1500, and $1000
Foods and beverages
Food & Beverage will be offered at the flying site during event days for a reasonable price.
English, Arabic
Dress Code & Traditions
Find more about Qatar via https://visitqatar.com/…/about-qatar/traditions-in-qatar
Use of substances listed on the WADA List is prohibited.
In case a competitor must take any of the substances listed on the WADA Prohibited List for medical treatment then must have a Therapeutic Use Exemption from the FAI.
Entry Fees:
Pilots flying F3R with limited Tech. 300 QAR
Pilots flying F3T 300 QAR
Pilots flying F3D 300 QAR
Pilots flying F3E 300 QAR
Callers Free
Storage space
We are working on availing a storage space for shipping airplanes in advance, and will announce the same once ready
Radio frequencies
All commercially available 2.4 GHz spread spectrum radio systems are permitted and recommended.
Practice fuel will be available for purchase.
Competition fuel for, F3T, and F3R (with limited tech.) will be provided in accordance with CIAM General Rules C.13.7.
Prices for practice fuel are as follows:
F3T / F3R (12.5€,13.5US$ or 50 QAR/ L)
F3D (8€, 8.5US$ or 32 QAR/ L)
• Voltage in Qatar is 220V – 50Hz
• The official currency of the event is Qatari Riyal (1€ = 3.87 QAR, 1US$ = 3.65 QAR approx)
• Participants should check with their local Qatar Embassy or Consulate regarding entry/exit visa requirements
• Driving is on the right-hand side of the road
It’s up to the pilots to book their accommodation
(4 star) The Curve hotel (www.thecurvehotel.com.qa) in the heart of Doha, is offering the below (rates in QAR)
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